13 Jun 2016

Lion Cubs

We left early this morning with the intention of making our way to Malelane via the Gardinia hide. If we arrived early enough I was going to play a round of golf at Malelane Country Club.
We made our way along the S28 towards Duke where we intended to have morning coffee and rusks.
We were the second car at Duke where we found 3 Lion cubs hiding in the grass, they had been there for 2 days already with no other lions in sight. We saw these cubs with the rest of the pride on the 11th see  previous post. We sat there for at least 2 hours hoping that mom would return, the traffic increased to the point where it started disturbing the cubs and one brave cub decided to gap it for a spot deeper in with more cover, the other 2 siblings followed. The traffic cleared we sat there for a little longer without seeing the cubs again.
By this time it was too late to go to Malelane and we returned slowly to Lower Sabie for breakfast.

I have a concern with Sightings apps, they are creating problems at sightings, once the sighting is Tinged or Tweeted everyone heads to the sighting causing congestion at the sighting, speeding to get there with the resultant road kills, road rage with people getting irritated with each other jockeying for position, people driving off road to get the best view. I understand this is the new way and cant stop technology, but really I don't enjoy this anymore, the days of finding a sighting and spending a peaceful few minutes alone or with one or two well behaved others is a thing of the past. I will not be tinging my sightings on Latest Sightings from now on. I will leave the app on my phone to see what is going on in Kruger when I am not in Kruger but back in Cape Town. Can I have some other opinions, please comment on this.

We will go back tomorrow to see what is happening at Duke with the cubs.

"Is that Mom"

"Look at these stupid humans"


"Lets gap It"

Go .... Go
Great Floods of China

We were so close to this elephant that I managed to get these shots with my Zoom lens at 70mm

Reed buck, a first for the trip, seen on the Muntshe loop S122.

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