29 May 2016


Some Photos of Welverdiend waterhole on the Sweni

First time tick for us of a Senegal Lapwing (Lesser Black-winged Plover)
Afrikaans: Kleinswartvlerkkiewiet.

seen on the S145 near Talamati

26 May 2016

Alone again

Quintin and Natasha flew back to Cape Town today, after having served out her infectious term of 7 days with us in Kruger recovering from Chicken Pox. 

We spent the day cleaning and doing maintenance. 30% chance of much needed rain today and tomorrow.

Quintin, Celeste, Natasha (spots) and Lettie. Breakfast at Tshokwane

Leopard on the S86

Kumana Dam
Sweni Hide view

Croc from Sweni Hide

Hunting on the S100

Will make a good painting

Early morning Baboon family
Its tough to be the youngest
Sunset on the S100

22 May 2016

Our Little Patient

Natasha woke up on Friday with a rash over her body, we thought it was flea bites and fumigated the caravan, as the day progressed it got worse until we realised it was Chicken pox.
Quintin and Celeste arrived to spend the weekend with us and fly back on Monday 23 May. The airline won’t allow Natasha to fly, so Quintin and Natasha will spend another week with us until the rash clears, fortunately Quintin having his own business can work remotely from the Kruger Park.
Natasha so looked forward to her Kruger trip only to be spoiled by this irritating virus. The good thing is that they get to spend another week.
We are into our last 10 nights at Satara before we move to Lower Sabie on the 1st June for 27 days.

Satara Set up with Quintin and Celeste tent against the fence under our canopy

20 May 2016

Lion Skirmish?

We saw this pride of Lion from Nwanetsi Bridge on the H1-3. There were 12 in the pride 2 Males 5 Females and 5 Cubs. They had been fighting as 3 of the females were injured and limping 1 male also had a severe limp, the cubs were fine.
We wondered what it was about as some of the females had serious bite marks, ones eye was scratched and the other had a limp due to a shoulder bite, was it a territorial fight, or a fight to get to a kill, was it in defence of the cubs? Was it a new Male trying to take over the pride?

The cubs were well fed and had eaten recently as their stomachs were enlarged.

On Tuesday 17 May we drove to Mbombela (Nelspruit) to fetch Natasha our 8 year old granddaughter from the airport she is staying with us for a week. Quintin and Celeste are spending the weekend with us and taking her back to Cape Town on Monday 23rd.

Breakfast at Nhlanguleni
  Some of our sightings with Natasha

Huge Male marking his territory on the S100

On the S41 today we saw this Python digesting what we think was a Steenbok, It was spotted the day before by Verita and Tony who advised us of its exact location, while we were there it started moving very slowly to better cover.

Pythons Head
Hippo update

The hippo has been opened and the Vultures are finishing it off.

14 days after it died.

A further sighting of a Hippo death on the S100 4 Km from the S41.
We watched this Hippo trying to get up, but to weak to get to its feet, very sad.
2 days later we went back and the Vultures were on it.

This is the circle of life, sad as it may seem, only the strongest survive making sure that only the strongest genes are passed on, the next generation of Hippo will be more drought resistant.

weak but alive 18 May

20 May, dead

''start blog archive''